4 |
维护信仰尊严 理性表达诉求本刊评论员 |
Maintain Dignity of Faith and Rationalize Appeal |
本刊特辑 |
6 |
诵经知意解真谛 心口相印悟精髓 |
张乐斌 |
——在第九届全国《古兰经》诵读比赛闭幕式上的讲话 |
Reciting and Understanding Essence of Qur’an: Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the 9th National Qur’an Recitation Contest |
8 |
关于在全国宗教界开展“宗教政策法规学习月”活动的通知 |
Notice of Launching Religious Policies Study Month in Nationwide Religious Circle |
学术文化 |
10 |
论伊斯兰文化中和谐思想的潜体系构成 |
马文祥 |
Hidden System of the Idea of Harmony in Islamic Culture |
15 |
伊斯兰经济伦理思想与阿拉伯国家的现代化 |
吴雁 |
Islamic Thought of Economic Ethics and Modernization of Arab Countries |
18 |
苏非主义与明清汉文译著活动 |
帕林达 |
Sufism and Translation Movement in the Ming and Qing Dynasties |
经训教法 |
22 |
伊斯兰教经训中的孝敬父母 |
金忠杰 编译 |
Piety in Qur’an and Hadith |
24 |
沙里亚·斐格海·法塔瓦 |
——从伊斯兰教术语看教法精神 |
从恩霖 |
Shariah, Fiqh and Fatawa: Shariah Spirit Seen from Islamic Terms |
28 |
伊斯兰教净礼奥义探析 |
王项托 |
Probe into the Profound Meaning of Islamic Ritual of Purification |
交流探讨 |
30 |
当代伊斯兰中间主义思潮的时代背景及基本主张 |
周丽娅 |
Background and Fundamentals of Contemporary Islamic Moderatism Trend of Thought |
33 |
乌鲁木齐解放南路清真寺现状调查及特点分析 |
努尔古丽·阿不都苏力 李月圆 |
Status Quo Investigation and Characteristics Analysis of Urumqi South Jiefang Road Mosques |
36 |
伊斯兰教的礼拜与养生健身 |
丁洪霞 李亚非 |
Islamic Prayers and Regimen |
38 |
浅谈对解经工作的思考 |
马文学 |
Reflection on Qur’an Interpretation |
要闻专栏 |
40 |
伊斯兰教界全国人大代表和全国政协委员到中国伊协听取工作汇报 |
本刊讯 |
Islamic Members of NPC and CPPCC Listen to Work Report of China Islamic Association (CIA) |
41 |
上海市召开伊斯兰教第八次代表会议 |
本刊讯 |
Shanghai 8th Islamic Congress Held |
41 |
湖北省召开伊斯兰教第五次代表会议 |
本刊讯 |
Hubei 5th Islamic Congress Held |
友好往来 |
14 |
伊朗政府文化代表团访问中国伊协 |
本刊讯 |
Cultural Mission of Iranian Government Visits CIA |
42 |
哈萨克斯坦国会上院委员会主席一行访问中国伊协 |
本刊讯 |
Kazakhstani Upper House Council Chairman Visits CIA |
42 |
阿富汗跨党派青年议员考察团拜访中国伊协 |
本刊讯 |
Afghan Inter-party Young Senators Study Mission Visits CIA |
43 |
中国伊协副会长杨志波出席乍得圣纪活动 |
本刊讯 |
Vice President of CIA Yang Zhibo Attends Chad’s the Prophet Mohamed’s Birthday Memorial |
新卧尔兹 |
44 |
伊斯兰教注重礼仪之美 |
穆卫宾 |
Islam Values Beauty of Courtesy |
46 |
说话也是一门功修 |
海宝明 |
Speaking Is an Act of Worship |
本期专访 |
44 |
深化朝觐组织工作 全面提升服务水平 |
本刊记者 |
Steps up Organizational Work of Hajj to Promote Service |
清真名寺 |
52 |
“清真”何以成“法明”——记东城两大清真官寺 |
李 哲 |
Why Qingzhen Became Faming: Two Official Mosques in Dongcheng District |
人物写真 |
55 |
跟随他的脚步坚持走爱国爱教道路 |
王德才 |
——纪念著名伊斯兰学者 |
Follow His Steps on Loving Country and Religion: In Memory of the Renowned Islamic Scholar Ma Jinpeng |
新月世界 |
57 |
俄罗斯伊斯兰教宗教机构及其社会功能 |
臧 颖 |
Russian Islamic Institutions and Their Functions |
生活广角 |
62 |
回族穆斯林的宗教与商业活动 |
王富伟 |
Hui Muslims’ Religious Practice and Commercial Activities |
书讯书评 |
66 |
清气澄余滓 杳然天界高 |
刘 闽 |
——读 |
Pure and Lofty: Reviews on Ma Xian’s Draft of Searching Pearls in the Sea |
68 |
各地简讯选登 |
本刊辑 |
Local News Bulletins |
69 |
国际伊斯兰动态 |
本刊辑 |
International Islamic Trends |
70 |
中国伊斯兰教经学院2012年本科班招生简章 |
The China Islamic Institute Undergraduate Prospectus 2012 |
71 |
天津民族中专2012年招生简章 |
Tianjin Secondary Vocational School for Nationalities Prospectus 2012 |