本刊特辑 |
4 |
第十届全国《古兰经》诵读比赛在京举行 |
本刊讯 |
The 10th Qur’an Recitation Contest Held in Beijing |
4 |
禁寺伊玛目萨利赫长老为诵经选手作专题讲座 |
本刊讯 |
Sheik Imam Salah in al-Masdjid al-Haram Gives a Dedicated Lecture to the |
Qur’an Recitation Contestants |
5 |
《希拉伦丁·陈广元传》新书发布会在京举行 |
本刊讯 |
Presentation Conference of the Newly Published Book The Biography of |
Hilaluddin Chen Guangyuan Held in Beijing |
学术文化 |
6 |
试论《古兰经》文学(续) |
金忠杰 |
On Qur’anic Literature (sequence 2) |
9 |
伊斯兰教的人才理念与成才之道 |
敏俊卿 |
Islamic Talent Concept and the Way to Becoming a Talent |
13 |
阿拉伯逻辑学的形成与特点 |
吴 雁 |
The Forming and Features of Arabic Logic |
经训教法 |
16 |
“古都斯圣训”与《古兰经》经文之比较 |
马雁兵 |
Comparison and Contrast between Hadith Qudsi and Qur’an Texts |
19 |
学习《古兰经》开端章的感悟 |
马文敬 |
Apperception of Learning al-Fatihah in Qur’an |
20 |
从圣训看先知穆罕默德的家庭生活 |
周晓燕 |
The Prophet Mohamed’s Family Life Seen from Hadith |
23 |
开斋捐的相关教法规定 |
马能湘 |
The Relevant Shariah Stipulations about the Fast-Breaking Donation |
学习交流 |
25 |
沁阳阿文古碑考证回眸 |
李华英 |
Review of the Arabic Stone Tablet Research in Qinyang |
29 |
学圣训遵圣行完美德性—六大权威圣训集出版有感 |
杨志中 |
Learning Hadith to Follow the Prophet’s Words and Deeds: Thoughts on |
Publication of the Six Authoritative Hadith |
31 |
安萨里的知与行 |
帕林达 |
Ansari’s Knowledge and Action |
研讨论坛 |
35 |
《天方典礼》有关朝觐能力的论述 |
穆卫宾 |
The Hajj Qualifications Stated in Liu Zhi’s The Rites of Islam |
38 |
欧拉伯与伊斯兰恐惧症之缘起 |
杨春泉 周玉忠 |
The Origin of Fear for Arab and Islam |
41 |
试析阿拉伯语对英语的重大影响 |
马 旭 赵绮娣 |
The Influence of Arabic upon English |
新卧尔兹 |
44 |
穆斯林为什么要斋戒 |
从恩霖 |
Why Muslims Must Fast |
人物写真 |
47 |
教长与市长的情谊 |
—记马金鹏教长与陈毅市长二三事 |
马博忠 |
Friendship between a Mayor and an Imam: Imam Ma Jinpeng and Mayor Chen |
Yi |
51 |
爱心成就的富贵路 |
单守庆 |
The Road to Prosperity Built on Love |
穆民生活 |
54 |
从《穆斯林的葬礼》看回族的婚嫁习俗 |
杜 军 |
Customs of Marriage Seen from Huo Da’s Muslim Funeral |
57 |
京东回乡的老槐树 |
海宝明 |
The Old Pagoda Tree in the Hui Area of East Beijing |
60 |
大山托起的东乡族 |
马志勇 |
Dongxiang: An Ethnic Group Raised by the Mountains |
教育之窗 |
62 |
西北穆斯林女子教育的空谷足音 |
马维仁 |
Footsteps of Northwest Muslim Women Education |
新月世界 |
65 |
探访菲斯卡拉维因大学 |
马凤俊 |
A Visit to the University of al-Qarawiyyin in Fez |
69 |
域外资讯 Foreign Information |
70 |
各地简讯 Local News Bulletins |